See: Description
Annotation Type | Description |
JacksonXmlCData |
Adding this annotation will result in value of the property to be serialized
within a CData tag.
JacksonXmlElementWrapper |
Annotation that is similar to JAXB
javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper ,
to indicate wrapper element to use (if any) for Collection types (arrays,
java.util.Collection ). |
JacksonXmlProperty |
Annotation that can be used to provide XML-specific configuration
for properties, above and beyond what
JsonProperty contains. |
JacksonXmlRootElement |
Annotation that can be used to define name of root element used
for the root-level object when serialized, which normally uses
name of the type (class).
JacksonXmlText |
Interface that is loosely similar to
in that it can be used on one (and only one!) property of a POJO. |
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