Class JavaType

  extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType
      extended by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class JavaType
extends com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType

Base class for type token classes used both to contain information and as keys for deserializers.

Instances can (only) be constructed by com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.TypeFactory (included in "jackson-databind")

Field Summary
protected  Class<?> _class
          This is the nominal type-erased Class that would be close to the type represented (but not exactly type, due to type erasure: type instance may have more information on this).
protected  int _hashCode
protected  Object _typeHandler
          Optional handler that can be attached to indicate how to handle additional type metadata associated with this type.
protected  Object _valueHandler
          Optional handler (codec) that can be attached to indicate what to use for handling (serializing, deserializing) values of this specific type.
Constructor Summary
protected JavaType(Class<?> raw, int additionalHash, Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler)
Method Summary
protected  void _assertSubclass(Class<?> subclass, Class<?> superClass)
protected abstract  JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass)
protected  JavaType _widen(Class<?> superclass)
           Default implementation is just to call _narrow(java.lang.Class), since underlying type construction is usually identical
 JavaType containedType(int index)
 int containedTypeCount()
 String containedTypeName(int index)
abstract  boolean equals(Object o)
 JavaType forcedNarrowBy(Class<?> subclass)
          More efficient version of narrowBy(java.lang.Class), called by internal framework in cases where compatibility checks are to be skipped.
 JavaType getContentType()
 String getErasedSignature()
          Method for accessing signature without generic type information, in form compatible with all versions of JVM, and specifically used for type descriptions when generating byte code.
abstract  StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb)
          Method for accessing signature without generic type information, in form compatible with all versions of JVM, and specifically used for type descriptions when generating byte code.
 String getGenericSignature()
          Method for accessing signature that contains generic type information, in form compatible with JVM 1.5 as per JLS.
abstract  StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb)
 JavaType getKeyType()
 Class<?> getRawClass()
<T> T
          Method for accessing type handler associated with this type, if any
<T> T
          Method for accessing value handler associated with this type, if any
 boolean hasGenericTypes()
 int hashCode()
 boolean hasRawClass(Class<?> clz)
          Method that can be used to check whether this type has specified Class as its type erasure.
 boolean isAbstract()
 boolean isArrayType()
 boolean isCollectionLikeType()
 boolean isConcrete()
          Convenience method for checking whether underlying Java type is a concrete class or not: abstract classes and interfaces are not.
abstract  boolean isContainerType()
 boolean isEnumType()
 boolean isFinal()
 boolean isInterface()
 boolean isMapLikeType()
 boolean isPrimitive()
 boolean isThrowable()
 JavaType narrowBy(Class<?> subclass)
          Method that can be called to do a "narrowing" conversions; that is, to return a type with a raw class that is assignable to the raw class of this type.
abstract  JavaType narrowContentsBy(Class<?> contentClass)
abstract  String toString()
 JavaType widenBy(Class<?> superclass)
          Method that can be called to do a "widening" conversions; that is, to return a type with a raw class that could be assigned from this type.
abstract  JavaType widenContentsBy(Class<?> contentClass)
abstract  JavaType withContentTypeHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that its content type will have specified type handler assigned.
abstract  JavaType withContentValueHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified content value handler assigned.
abstract  JavaType withTypeHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified type handler assigned.
abstract  JavaType withValueHandler(Object h)
          "Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified value handler assigned.
Methods inherited from class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Class<?> _class
This is the nominal type-erased Class that would be close to the type represented (but not exactly type, due to type erasure: type instance may have more information on this). May be an interface or abstract class, so instantiation may not be possible.


protected final int _hashCode


protected final Object _valueHandler
Optional handler (codec) that can be attached to indicate what to use for handling (serializing, deserializing) values of this specific type.

Note: untyped (i.e. caller has to cast) because it is used for different kinds of handlers, with unrelated types.


protected final Object _typeHandler
Optional handler that can be attached to indicate how to handle additional type metadata associated with this type.

Note: untyped (i.e. caller has to cast) because it is used for different kinds of handlers, with unrelated types.

Constructor Detail


protected JavaType(Class<?> raw,
                   int additionalHash,
                   Object valueHandler,
                   Object typeHandler)
raw - "Raw" (type-erased) class for this type
additionalHash - Additional hash code to use, in addition to hash code of the class name
Method Detail


public abstract JavaType withTypeHandler(Object h)
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified type handler assigned.

Newly created type instance


public abstract JavaType withContentTypeHandler(Object h)
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that its content type will have specified type handler assigned.

Newly created type instance


public abstract JavaType withValueHandler(Object h)
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified value handler assigned.

Newly created type instance


public abstract JavaType withContentValueHandler(Object h)
"Copy method" that will construct a new instance that is identical to this instance, except that it will have specified content value handler assigned.

Newly created type instance


public JavaType narrowBy(Class<?> subclass)
Method that can be called to do a "narrowing" conversions; that is, to return a type with a raw class that is assignable to the raw class of this type. If this is not possible, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. If class is same as the current raw class, instance itself is returned.


public JavaType forcedNarrowBy(Class<?> subclass)
More efficient version of narrowBy(java.lang.Class), called by internal framework in cases where compatibility checks are to be skipped.


public JavaType widenBy(Class<?> superclass)
Method that can be called to do a "widening" conversions; that is, to return a type with a raw class that could be assigned from this type. If such conversion is not possible, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. If class is same as the current raw class, instance itself is returned.


protected abstract JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass)


protected JavaType _widen(Class<?> superclass)

Default implementation is just to call _narrow(java.lang.Class), since underlying type construction is usually identical


public abstract JavaType narrowContentsBy(Class<?> contentClass)


public abstract JavaType widenContentsBy(Class<?> contentClass)


public final Class<?> getRawClass()
Specified by:
getRawClass in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public final boolean hasRawClass(Class<?> clz)
Method that can be used to check whether this type has specified Class as its type erasure. Put another way, returns true if instantiation of this Type is given (type-erased) Class.

Specified by:
hasRawClass in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public boolean isAbstract()
Specified by:
isAbstract in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public boolean isConcrete()
Convenience method for checking whether underlying Java type is a concrete class or not: abstract classes and interfaces are not.

Specified by:
isConcrete in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public boolean isThrowable()
Specified by:
isThrowable in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public boolean isArrayType()
Specified by:
isArrayType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public final boolean isEnumType()
Specified by:
isEnumType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public final boolean isInterface()
Specified by:
isInterface in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public final boolean isPrimitive()
Specified by:
isPrimitive in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public final boolean isFinal()
Specified by:
isFinal in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public abstract boolean isContainerType()
Specified by:
isContainerType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType
True if type represented is a container type; this includes array, Map and Collection types.


public boolean isCollectionLikeType()
Specified by:
isCollectionLikeType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType
True if type is either true Collection type, or something similar (meaning it has at least one type parameter, which describes type of contents)


public boolean isMapLikeType()
Specified by:
isMapLikeType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType
True if type is either true Map type, or something similar (meaning it has at least two type parameter; first one describing key type, second value type)


public boolean hasGenericTypes()
Specified by:
hasGenericTypes in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public JavaType getKeyType()
Specified by:
getKeyType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public JavaType getContentType()
Specified by:
getContentType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public int containedTypeCount()
Specified by:
containedTypeCount in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public JavaType containedType(int index)
Specified by:
containedType in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public String containedTypeName(int index)
Specified by:
containedTypeName in class com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType


public <T> T getValueHandler()
Method for accessing value handler associated with this type, if any


public <T> T getTypeHandler()
Method for accessing type handler associated with this type, if any


public String getGenericSignature()
Method for accessing signature that contains generic type information, in form compatible with JVM 1.5 as per JLS. It is a superset of getErasedSignature(), in that generic information can be automatically removed if necessary (just remove outermost angle brackets along with content inside)


public abstract StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb)
sb - StringBuilder to append signature to
StringBuilder that was passed in; returned to allow call chaining


public String getErasedSignature()
Method for accessing signature without generic type information, in form compatible with all versions of JVM, and specifically used for type descriptions when generating byte code.


public abstract StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb)
Method for accessing signature without generic type information, in form compatible with all versions of JVM, and specifically used for type descriptions when generating byte code.

sb - StringBuilder to append signature to
StringBuilder that was passed in; returned to allow call chaining


protected void _assertSubclass(Class<?> subclass,
                               Class<?> superClass)


public abstract String toString()
toString in class Object


public abstract boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public final int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object

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