All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AnnotationBundleKey |
Helper class used to allow efficient caching of information,
given a sequence of Annotations.
Annotations |
Enumeration that defines standard annotation sets available for configuring
data binding aspects.
CBOREndpointConfig |
Container class for figuring out annotation-based configuration
for Jakarta-RS end points.
CBORMapperConfigurator |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of configuring an
ObjectMapper instance to be used for data binding, as
well as accessing it.
CBORMediaTypes |
ClassKey |
Efficient key class, used instead of using Class .
EndpointAsBeanProperty |
BeanProperty implementation used for passing annotations
from Jakarta-RS endpoint into Jackson.
EndpointConfigBase<THIS extends EndpointConfigBase<THIS>> |
Container class for figuring out annotation-based configuration
for Jakarta-RS end points.
JacksonCBORProvider |
Basic implementation of Jakarta-RS abstractions (MessageBodyReader ,
MessageBodyWriter ) needed for binding
CBOR ("application/cbor") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
JacksonFeatures |
Annotation that can be used enable and/or disable various
features for ObjectReader s and ObjectWriter s.
JacksonJsonProvider |
Basic implementation of Jakarta-RS abstractions (MessageBodyReader ,
MessageBodyWriter ) needed for binding
JSON ("application/json") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
JacksonSmileProvider |
Basic implementation of Jakarta-RS abstractions (MessageBodyReader ,
MessageBodyWriter ) needed for binding
Smile ("application/x-jackson-smile") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
JacksonXmlBindCBORProvider |
JSON content type provider automatically configured to use both Jackson
and Jakarta XmlBind annotations (in that order of priority).
JacksonXmlBindJsonProvider |
JSON content type provider automatically configured to use both Jackson
and Jakarta XmlBind annotations (in that order of priority).
JacksonXmlBindSmileProvider |
JSON content type provider automatically configured to use both Jackson
and Jakarta XmlBind annotations (in that order of priority).
JacksonXmlBindXMLProvider |
XML content type provider automatically configured to use both Jackson
and Jakarta XmlBind annotations (in that order of priority).
JacksonXmlBindYAMLProvider |
JSON content type provider automatically configured to use both Jackson
and Jakarta XmlBind annotations (in that order of priority).
JacksonXMLProvider |
Basic implementation of Jakarta-RS abstractions (MessageBodyReader ,
MessageBodyWriter ) needed for binding
JSON ("application/json") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
JacksonYAMLProvider |
Basic implementation of Jakarta-RS abstractions (MessageBodyReader ,
MessageBodyWriter ) needed for binding
YAML content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
JakartaRSFeature |
Enumeration that defines simple on/off features that can be
used on all Jackson Jakarta-RS providers, regardless of
underlying data format.
JsonEndpointConfig |
Container class for figuring out annotation-based configuration
for Jakarta-RS end points.
JsonMapperConfigurator |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of configuring an
ObjectMapper instance to be used for data binding, as
well as accessing it.
JsonMappingExceptionMapper |
Implementation if ExceptionMapper to send down a "400 Bad Request"
response in the event that unmappable JSON is received.
Note: applicable to annotations to allow bundling (if support added
to Jakarta-RS bundle itself), as well as methods to indicate that return
type is to be wrapped.
Helper class for encapsulating information from JSONP
annotation instance.
JsonParseExceptionMapper |
Implementation of ExceptionMapper to send down a "400 Bad Request"
in the event unparsable JSON is received.
LRUMap<K,V> |
Helper for simple bounded LRU maps used for reusing lookup values.
MapperConfiguratorBase<IMPL extends MapperConfiguratorBase<IMPL,MAPPER>,MAPPER extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper> |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of configuring an
ObjectMapper instance to be used for data binding, as
well as accessing it.
ObjectReaderInjector |
This class allows registering a
modifier ( ObjectReaderModifier ) that can be used to
reconfigure ObjectReader
that Jakarta-RS Resource will use for reading input into Java Objects.
ObjectReaderModifier |
ObjectWriterInjector |
This class allows "overriding" of ObjectWriter
that Jakarta-RS Resource will use; usually this is done from a Servlet
or Jakarta-RS filter before execution reaches resource.
ObjectWriterModifier |
PackageVersion |
Automatically generated from during
packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in pom.xml.
PackageVersion |
Automatically generated from during
packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in
PackageVersion |
Automatically generated from during
packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in
PackageVersion |
Automatically generated from during
packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in
PackageVersion |
Automatically generated from during
packageVersion-generate execution of maven-replacer-plugin in
ProviderBase<THIS extends ProviderBase<THIS,MAPPER,EP_CONFIG,MAPPER_CONFIG>,MAPPER extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper,EP_CONFIG extends EndpointConfigBase<EP_CONFIG>,MAPPER_CONFIG extends MapperConfiguratorBase<MAPPER_CONFIG,MAPPER>> |
SmileEndpointConfig |
Container class for figuring out annotation-based configuration
for Jakarta-RS end points.
SmileMapperConfigurator |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of configuring an
ObjectMapper instance to be used for data binding, as
well as accessing it.
SmileMediaTypes |
XMLEndpointConfig |
Container class for figuring out annotation-based configuration
for Jakarta-RS end points.
XMLMapperConfigurator |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of configuring an
XmlMapper instance to be used for data binding, as
well as accessing it.
YAMLEndpointConfig |
Container class for figuring out annotation-based configuration
for Jakarta-RS end points.
YAMLMapperConfigurator |
Helper class used to encapsulate details of configuring an
YAMLMapper instance to be used for data binding, as
well as accessing it.
YAMLMediaTypes |